2023 Sweet Lit
Poetry Contest
2022 Kelsay Books Women's Poetry Prize Winner
Judge Katie Manning wrote, “I love this poem’s insistence on hope in the face of environmental loss.”
2022 Muriel Craft Bailey Memorial Poetry Contest
(The Comstock Review)
"Sometime in the Late Age of a Long Marriage"
Judge Ellen Bass wrote: "This poem has such genuine tenderness. Sentiment without sentimentality. The love is palpable--between the man and woman and from the daughter who is able to look at them so clearly, a true poet's eye. I care about these people. That's a lot for a poem to accomplish."
2022 Editor's Choice Award
2021 Sheila-Na-Gig Spring Poetry Prize
2021 Kelsay Books Women's Poetry Prize
Honorable Mention
Judge Karen Craigo wrote:
"I had the misfortune of suffering a sleep-related injury that resulted in a condition called frozen shoulder, so I think I was exactly the reader this poem was looking for. The effort to come to some sort of détente with the body is one I can relate to quite well, and this poet nailed it: “I feel more and more the absence / of wings ….” Yes, indeed. Every damn year."
Pushcart Nominations
Best of the Net Nominations
2007 Pushcart
Special Mention
2021 New Women's Voices Series, Semifinalist
2022 Frontier Poetry
Nature & Place Prize Longlist
"A Geography"
"My Son Says We Have No Culture"